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EOA Foundation (EOAF)

Vision Statement

The Educational Opportunity Association Foundation (EOAF) exists for the purpose of funding scholarships and fellowships for low-income, first-generation, and educational opportunity program students.

Mission Statement

The Educational Opportunity Association Foundation (EOAF) develops, manages, and distributes funds to provide financial support in the form of scholarships, fellowships, and leadership opportunities so that students will successfully complete a college degree. The organization will share its knowledge of successful models of scholarship programs with other organizations.

About the EOA Foundation

An Affiliate Organization of EOA

The Educational Opportunity Association (EOA) is a regional professional association. States in the EOA region include Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, and Wisconsin. Nearly 1,000 professionals working in TRIO or Educational Opportunity Programs (EOPs) at approximately 200 colleges, universities, and community organizations throughout the region are active EOA members. The common, over-arching purpose of all TRIO and EOP programs is to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds in their pursuit of a college degree. Eligible students are in grade 6 though adult learners, have family income below 150% of federal poverty guidelines, are U.S. military veterans, and/org have a disability. TRIO and EOP programs provide academic tutoring, personal counseling, mentoring, financial guidance, and other supports necessary for educational access and retention. TRIO and EOP programs are funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

The EOA Foundation Extends the Work of EOA 

The EOA Board of Directors established the EOA Foundation in 1988 to raise and manage funds for the primary purpose of providing scholarships and fellowships to TRIO and educational opportunity program students in the ten-state EOA region. Scholarship recipients are nominated by EOA members and awarded annually through a process coordinated by the EOA Board Scholarship Committee. 

Why is the EOA Foundation Important?

  • TRIO programs and their professional staff members work hard every day to prepare low-income students for the academic rigors of postsecondary education and to awaken them to the wealth of opportunities and possibilities a college degree offers. Your investment in EOAF helps turn all that dedicated preparation into degree completion for an increasing number of low-income students in our region through recognition and financial support.
  • The U.S. needs to boost its academic and economic competitiveness globally. Our nation needs a strong, highly-educated, and competent workforce. To reach this goal, we need individuals from all socio-economic backgrounds to become academically prepared, highly motivated, and to be able to secure the resources they need to cope with rising college costs. Your investment in EOAF increases our nation’s capacity to develop all human potential.
  • Your investment in EOAF helps close the income and achievement gaps that threaten our nation’s economic and social well-being.

Foundation Email: foundation@eoa.org

EOAF President: Deon Brown | d-brown2@neiu.edu

EOAF Secretary: Andrew Cseter | andrew.cseter@metrostate.edu

EOAF Board

Deon Brown, President

Lee Stephenson, Vice-President

Barb Gibbs, Treasurer

Andrew Cseter, Secretary

Rhetta Seymour, Treasurer-elect

Mattie Payne-Mallory, Advancement Chair

Aaron Cortes, Marketing & Communications Chair

"Educational Opportunity Association (EOA)" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
8032 22nd Avenue #5054, Kenosha, WI 53143

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